• Conduct a survey

A survey allows you to ask a question to a set of recipients and analyze the answers (free or predetermined). The recipients receive a notification when they log in. The sender can analyze the responses as they participate in the survey.
  1. Go to the tab Communication > Messaging service > Information and surveys.
  2. In the title bar, select Distribution.
  3. Click on the creation line and select Conduct a survey.
  4. In the pop-up window, indicate the type of survey:
    • Nominative survey: respondents' answers appear next to their identity;
    • Anonymous survey: responses are collected, but the identity of respondents is not disclosed.

      You can conduct a named survey and then anonymize the results at a later stage when they are released.
  5. Then designate the recipients:
    • if the survey is related to classes or groupings, click on the buttons to indicate the classes or groups concerned. Then tick Teachers, Students, Parents, Porters, Company (mentors/tutors) to publish the survey on the corresponding Webspaces;
    • if the survey is not related to classes or groupings, go to the tab Recipients on an individual basis, click on the buttons and tick the recipients directly.
  6. If the survey is addressed to parents, choose between:
    • A dispatch per student: to have only one response. Both parents can access the survey until one parent responds.
    • A dispatch per parent: to have several responses if there are several parents. Each parent responds independently to the survey.
  7. Specify the title of the survey.
  8. Choose the type of the first question and enter the possible answers, if any:
    • Unique choice: the recipient can choose only one answer from the list. By default, the answers Yes and No are proposed. You can replace them by other answers by double-clicking directly on them.
    • Multiple choice: the recipient can choose several answers from among those proposed.
    • Response to be entered: (only if the survey is nominative): the recipient must enter a personal response limited to 200 characters.
  9. You can add an attachment by clicking on the button .
  10. Enter as many questions as you wish. You can also insert texts, for example to propose an introductory message (the arrows and on the side allow you to change the order of the texts and questions).
  11. If you want other people to have viewing access to the survey, click on the buttons to designate the teachers and/or the concerned users: they will be able to consult the results from the list of surveys, on the Distribution side.
  12. Validate the survey:
    • The survey is in the position Publish by default. You can publish it immediately. Define the period during which the survey should remain visible.
    • If you want to distribute it later, then switch to Draft. The survey can be modified at any time from the menu on the left.
You can also send a survey from a list of resources: select the concerned resources in the list, then click on the button in the toolbar.
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