• Share the results of a survey

At the end of a survey, you can communicate the results to the users by means of a notification.
  1. Go to the tab Communication > Messaging service > Information and surveys.
  2. In the title bar, select Distribution.
  3. Select a survey.
  4. On the right side, click on the tab Returns.
  5. Click on the button Release the survey's results, then choose the way you want to transmit the results:
    • by name: the identity of the respondents is visible,
    • anonymously (recommended for distribution to parents or students).
  6. In the pop-up window, designate the recipients. Click on the buttons to indicate the people to whom you want to send the results.
  7. A *.pdf file containing the survey results is automatically added as an attachment:
    • if you have chosen to distribute the results anonymously, the file is entitled ResultatsSondageAnonymeTableau.pdf ;
    • if you have chosen to distribute the results by name, the file is entitled ResultatsSondageNominatifTableau.pdf.
  8. If you tick the box with acknowledgement of receipt, the recipients will be asked to indicate that they have read the information.
  9. The information is in the Draft position by default. If you want to publish it, then switch to the Publish position. Define the period during which the information should remain visible.
  10. Validate.
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