• Configure the average calculation of the services/sub-services

The calculation of subservice/service averages takes into account the coefficients assigned to the tests, the evaluation modes if you use more than one, the sub-services and the periods for the calculation of the annual average.
  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Grading services (per class).
  2. Select classes from the list on the left.
  3. The configuration is conducted period by period: select a period in the drop-down menu at the top right.
  4. Select the services on the right.
  5. Set the average in the tab Average calculations, at the bottom of the screen. In particular, you can:
    • indicate whether the average should be the Sub-services' average or the Tests' average for services with sub-services;
    • select the rounding off mode you want;
    • add a bonus/penalty column;
    • weight the highest/lowest grade.

You can entrust the teacher with the configuration of the service average: to do this, the authorization Modify the average's calculation parameters must be ticked in his/her authorization profile.

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