• Process the forms filled out by the students

When an internship is created, the student has the possibility to fill in his/her form (company information, contact information, topic and presence in the company). To do this, when creating the internship, the option Allow the student to fill in his/her form from the Students Webspace must be ticked. You must also enter the starting and ending dates of the publication of the form.

Sort the forms according to their status

  1. Go to the tab In-company> Internships > List of internships.
  2. Click above the column Form status to sort the list on this criterion. The form can be:
    • Published,
    • To be validated; from his Webspace, the student has sent the form to the secretariat.
    • Validated; the secretariat has saved the company data submitted by the student.

      If the student has failed to send the form before the end of the publication, the icon Expired publication appears in the column Form status. It is then possible to extend the publication so that the student can finally pass on the information about his company.

Validate the form

Prerequisite: to validate the form, the student must have sent the file to the institution's secretariat.
  1. Go to the tab In-company> Internships > List of internships.
  2. Sort the list by clicking on the title of the column Form status.
  3. Click a second time on the column title to reverse the sorting (the direction of the cursor indicates that the sorting is done in reverse alphabetical order). The Validated forms are displayed at the top of the list.
  4. Double-click in the cell.
  5. In the pop-up window, first consult the company information, then click on Following step.
  6. In the pop-up window, then consult the information on the contacts, then click on Following step.
  7. In the pop-up window, read the topic of the internship and the hours of presence in the company, then click on Finish and save. The internship form automatically takes into account the information provided by the student.
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