• Use the dashboard hour by hour

The dashboard allows you to identify notable events on an hourly basis and to react accordingly.
  1. Go to the tab Assiduity > Summery > Dashboard.
By default, the dashboard of the day is displayed. You can change the date.

  1. Hour by hour, HYPERPLANNING displays the number of students absent, late, exempt, present, in an internship/work-study program as well as the number of non-taken roll calls, etc..

  1. Click on a number to display the list of concerned students below.

  1. In this list, a column Antecedents (Ant.) gives the number of absences, late arrivals, exemptions since the beginning of the year or since a date to be defined via the button . A double-click on the number of antecedents displays the details of the counted absences.

  1. To send a mail or write in the student's follow-up, right-click and launch the corresponding command.

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