• Define the motives for absences/tardiness

Depending on the motive, the absence/tardiness is justified or not justified.
  1. Go to the menu Parameters > Assiduity > Absence and tardiness motives.

  1. There are default motives for tardiness and absence: you can delete them if they are not used (right-click > Delete the selection).

To create a new one, click on the creation line, enter a name for the motive and validate with the key Enter.

  1. If you want to change the default color allocated to the motive (the absences and tardiness with this motive will be displayed in this color in the grids), double-click on the color and choose a new one.

  1. Indicate whether this motive applies to absences and/or tardiness by ticking the column Active.

  1. By default, the motive has the status Justified. Double-click in the column Status if you do not want this to be the case: the motive becomes Unjustified and the absences or tardiness entered with this motive will be by default unjustified.

  1. If you plan to systematically send the same template or the same SMS template for an absence with this motive, double-click in the corresponding columns and tick the appropriate template: it will be proposed by default during the mailings.

The default absence/tardiness motive (the one displayed with a green dot in the column Default) is the default motive selected when entering in the grid or in the roll call sheet.

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