• Define the grading services

In order for a teacher to grade students in their subject, a grading service must be created. Grading services are grouped into modules and can be divided into sub-services.

First step: create the services

  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Display the grading services (per class).
  2. Select a class from the list on the left.
  3.  Click on the line Create the modules and grading services.

  4. In the pop-up window, select:
    • Create the modules and services defined in "modules and curriculum" if you have created curricula and want to recover the corresponding modules and subjects;
    • Create the modules and allocate its subjects if you have not created a curriculum but wish to organize your subjects by module;
    • Create a module per selected subject: if you do not organize the subjects by module.

  1. If the courses of the class are already created, tick Only subjects that are taught without grading services to reduce the list and facilitate handling.
  2. If you have not recovered the curriculum modules, use the creation line New module to create them.

  1. Then select the subjects in the list on the left and click on the button to move them to the modules.

  1. To organize the services by module, click and drag them under the modules.

  1. Click on Next.
  2. In the next window, indicate whether you want to create grading services or sub-services for Groups/Options as well as for courses with several teachers.

  1. Validate. HYPERPLANNING displays for each module its services and sub-services.

Once created, the grading services and modules can be reorganized:
  • right-click on a module and choose Create a service in the grading module to add a service;
  • right-click on a service and choose the appropriate command to delete it or modify the module, etc. 

Second step: create sub-services

Sub-services allow two averages (and two appraisals) to be shown on the report card for the same subject: for example, one essay average, one oral average, or one teacher's average, a second teacher's average.
  1. Select the concerned services, right-click and choose Create a sub-service.
  2. By default, the sub-services have the same characteristics as their service: subject, teacher, etc.

  1. To customize the subject, select the concerned sub-services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Subject and select the new subject in the list: if it does not exist, use the creation line New.

  1. To change the teacher, select the concerned sub-services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Teacher and select the teacher from the list (he/she must have been previously created in the database).

If authorized, teachers can create their own grading sub-services.

Third step: configure modules and services

The following procedures are valid for modifying several modules or services in the same way. To act on the services of several classes simultaneously, select the classes in the list on the left and then select the modules or services in the right panel. You can always change individual modules or services by double-clicking in the table.
Grading period: by default, a grading service is valid for all periods. If this is not what you want, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Grading periods and un-tick some periods.

Evaluation mode: by default, a grading service has only the mode Continuous assessment. You can allocate several, for example Continuous assessment and Midterm exam: this will allow two averages to be shown on the report card. To do this, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Evaluation modes and tick the modes to be activated. You can also define different coefficients. If the name and color of a mode does not suit you, you can change them by clicking on the button .

Optional: if you render a service optional, it counts as a bonus in the module average/overall average, meaning that only the points above 10 are taken into account. To do this, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Render optional.

Scale: a service can be graded according to a scale different from the default scale. To do so, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Scale and enter the new scale. For each test, a teacher can customize the grade and decide whether or not to mark the grades out of 20 when calculating the average.

Coefficient: a service can have a higher coefficient in the calculation of the module. To do this, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Coefficient and enter the coefficient. A coefficient can also be applied to the module.

Threshold grade: the threshold grade of a service is the minimum grade to validate a module and obtain ECTS credits.  To define the threshold grade for the services, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Threshold grade and enter the grade. Depending on the configuration, all grades below the threshold grade may be displayed in red.

Eliminatory grade: the eliminatory grade of a service is the grade below which a module cannot be validated or ECTS credits cannot be obtained. To define the eliminatory grade of the services, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Threshold grade and enter the grade.

No. ECTS: the attribution of ECTS points can be conducted by module or by service. If the attribution is conducted by module, select the concerned modules, make a right-click, choose the command Modify the grading modules > Number of points and enter the number of points. If the attribution is conducted by service, select the concerned services, right-click, choose the command Modify the services > Number of points and enter the number of points.

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