• Manage several evaluation modes

HYPERPLANNING offers 4 modes of evaluation: Continuous assessment, Midterm exam, Project and Internship, which  can be renamed. If a grading service has several evaluation modes, the average of the service is the average of the evaluation modes and several averages can be displayed on the report card.

Define the evaluation modes of a service

By default, a grading service has only the mode Continuous assessment. You can attribute several, for example Continuous assessment and Midterm exam. The sub-services have the same evaluation mode as the service to which they are affiliated.

  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Grading services (per class).
  2. Double-click in the column Modes.
  3. In the pop-up window, tick the possible evaluation modes for this service.
  4. Select in the drop-down menu the default evaluation mode and validate.

The evaluation mode can be modified in multi-selection for all services.

Define different coefficients for different evaluation modes

If you are using several evaluation modes, the calculation of the average will now be based on the average of the evaluation modes and no longer on the average of the tests, so it may be important to allocate a coefficient to each evaluation mode.

  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Grading services (per class).
  2. Double-click in the column Modes.
  3. In the pop-up window, modify the values of the column Coeff.

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