• Indicate the unavailability of a room

The unavailability corresponds to the slots on which the room is not available. Unavailability is strictly complied with during automatic placement. During manual placement, it is indicated, but the user can ignore them.
  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Rooms > Unavailability and wishes.
  2. Select the room(s) from the list on the left.
  3. In the menu select:
    • For the active period if you wish to enter recurrent unavailability (for example, every Wednesday during the first semester); in this case, check the weeks highlighted on the slider below.
    • Week by week if you want to enter dispersed unavailability.
  4. Click on the red paintbrush next to the menu (the green paintbrush is used to define the periods in which the rooms should preferably be used).
  5. Click and drag on the slots where the room(s) are not available.

One possibility is also to "paint everything red" and then clear the few possible slots for the room.
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