• Place a course manually

The course must have been created beforehand, either from a curriculum or directly in the list. It will then appear in the list of courses. Allocating one or more dates (if there are several class meetings) and a time slot (or several, if this varies according to the dates) is carried out by placing the course directly in a timetable grid.
  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Courses > Timetable.
  2. Select the course to be placed in the list on the left.
  3. A green frame appears on the grid: This is the matrix of the course, which materializes its duration. If a place is possible, it is by default positioned in it.

First case: the course has as many class meetings as possible weeks

In this case, when you select the course, its period is displayed at the bottom with X green weeks corresponding to the X class meetings.

  1. HYPERPLANNING indicates:
    • by white stripes the possible places in all the weeks (if the stripe is displayed in blue, the place is possible but a pedagogical constraint exists)
    • by numbers the possible places in some weeks only (if the number is displayed in blue, the place is possible but a pedagogical constraint exists). To find out which weeks are unavailable, click and drag the green frame in the place and look at the period of the course: they will be displayed with a red square.

  1. If you want to know why a place is not possible (grey place without number), click and drag the green frame to this place and read the diagnosis.
  2. Once the place is chosen, click and drag the green frame over it and double-click in the center to validate the placement.
  3. If there was room for all the weeks, it's finished! You can lock it so that it will not be moved by mistake.
  4. If the place was available for some weeks only, a window will appear to confirm the placement in the possible weeks.

  1. there are still class meetings to be placed.
    In the list, the course is now displayed on several lines:
    • a first line centralizes the initial information
    • a second line gathers all the class meetings placed at the same place
    • a third line gathers all the class meetings which remain to be placed

  1. Select the third line and look for a place for the remaining class meetings. Depending on the place found, there may still be some class meetings to be placed (a fourth line is then created); repeat the same operation until all the class meetings have been placed.

Second case: the course has fewer class meetings than possible weeks

In this case, when you select the course, its potential is displayed at the bottom with X blue weeks and Y number of class meetings to be placed.

  1. HYPERPLANNING indicates:
    • by white stripes the possible places for all the class meetings of the course if it takes place in the numbered weeks of the potential (if the stripes are displayed in blue, the place is possible but a pedagogical constraint exists)
    • by numbers the possible places for only some class meetings (if the number is displayed in blue, the place is possible but a pedagogical constraint exists). To know in which weeks the class meetings would be placed, click and drag the frame on the place and look at the potential of the course: they are numbered.

  1. If you want to know why a place is not possible (grey place without number), click and drag the green frame to this place and read the diagnosis.
  2. If the weeks numbered by HYPERPLANNING do not suit you, you can modify the potential by switching off or highlighting the weeks. HYPERPLANNING automatically recalculates the possibilities.

  1. Once the place is chosen, click and drag the green frame over it and double-click in the center to validate the placement.
  2. If there was room for all the weeks, it's finished! You can lock it so that it will not be moved by mistake.
  3. If the place was available for only some weeks, a window will appear to confirm the placement on the possible weeks.

  1. there are still class meetings to be placed.
    In the list, the course is now displayed on several lines:
    • a first line centralizes the initial information
    • a second line gathers all the class meetings placed at the same place
    • a third line gathers all the class meetings which remain to be placed

  1. Select the third line and look for a place for the remaining class meetings. Depending on the place found, there may still be some class meetings to be placed (a fourth line is then created); repeat the same operation until all the class meetings have been placed. 

Third case: the course has more class meetings than possible weeks

In this case, when you select the course, its potential is displayed at the bottom with X blue weeks and a Y number of class meetings to be placed.

  1. In this case, you will inevitably place the course at least two times.
  2. HYPERPLANNING indicates:
    • by white stripes the possible places on all the weeks of the potential (if the stripes are displayed in blue, the place is possible but a pedagogical constraint exists) 
    • by numbers the possible places in some weeks of the potential (if the number is displayed in blue, the place is possible but a pedagogical constraint exists). To know on which weeks the class meetings would be placed, click and drag the frame on the place and look at the potential of the course: they are numbered.

  1. If you want to know why a place is not possible (grey place without number), click and drag the green frame to this place and read the diagnosis.
  2. If the weeks numbered by HYPERPLANNING do not suit you, you can modify the potential by switching off or highlighting the weeks. HYPERPLANNING automatically recalculates the possibilities.

  1. Once the place is chosen, click and drag the green frame over it and double-click in the center to validate the placement.
    • there are still class meetings to be placed.
      In the list, the course is now displayed on several lines:
      • a first line centralizes the initial information
      • a second line gathers all the class meetings placed at the same place
      • a third line gathers all the class meetings which remain to be placed

  1. Select the third line and look for a place for the remaining class meetings. Depending on the place found, there may still be some class meetings to be placed (a fourth line is then created); repeat the same operation until all the class meetings have been placed.

To de-position the course, which means to render it unplaced once again, click on the course, right-click and choose the command De-position.
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