• How can I quickly install Clients on all workstations in a network? (silent installation)

A quiet installation allows you to remotely install an application on all the workstations in a network, without having to intervene on each workstation.

Step 1: Prepare the *.iss file

The first step is to save in a *.iss file all the answers to the questions asked during a "manual" installation. To generate this file, proceed as follows:
  1. From a workstation on which the Client HYPERPLANNING has not yet been installed, download the latest version of Client HYPERPLANNING (from this site, rubric Download) by saving in a folder (in our example, we download the Install the application Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe in the folder c:\InstallSilencieuse.
If necessary, the command lines presented below will be customized according to the downloaded version and the folder where the application has been saved.
  1. Display a command prompt (by typing cmd in the search box of the menu Start) and enter the following command lines:
    • cd c:\InstallSilencieuse
    • Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe -r -f1c:\InstallSilencieuse\ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss
  2. The installation of the Client HYPERPLANNING starts: proceed with the installation; your answers are recorded and will be reused during the installation on the various workstations of the network.
  3. At the end of the installation, the file ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss containing your answers is generated in the folder c:\InstallSilencieuse, next to the installation file.

Step 2: Test the silent installation

  1. Uninstall the Client HYPERPLANNING from the workstation on which you "made" the silent installation and check that the folder c:\InstallSilent contains the 2 files:
    • Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe
    • ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss
  2. Display a command prompt (by typing cmd in the search box of the menu Start) and enter the following command lines:
    • cd c:\InstallSilencieuse
    • Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe -s -f1c:\ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss
    • f2c:\InstallSilencieuse\resultat.log
  3. The installation of the Client HYPERPLANNING is conducted without you having to answer any questions. The answers given in step 1 are used.
  4. A file resultat.log is generated in the file c:\InstallSilencieuse: if the installation worked, at the end of the file you should read: ResultCode=0.

Step 3: Start silent installation on all the workstations

To installer the Client HYPERPLANNING on all network workstations, you launch the previous script remotely.

Here is an example of a Vbscript script that can be used. You can copy it into a text file and give it the extension *.vbs. You can copy and run this file remotely on all the computers where you want to install the Client HYPERPLANNING.

Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set WSHNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
computer = WshNetwork.ComputerName
On error Resume Next
If Not Fso.FolderExists("c:\temp") Then
End IF
Fso.CopyFile "NomDuServeur\InstallSilencieuse \*.*","C:\temp",True
wscript.Sleep 2000
command1 = "CMD /C C:\temp\Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe -s -f1c:\temp\ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss -f2c:\temp\resultat.log" command1,0,True
wscript.sleep 5000
If Fso.FileExists("c:\temp\resultat.log") Then
Fso.CopyFile "c:\temp\resultat.log","NomDuServeur\InstallSilencieuse\resultat-" & computer & ".log",True
End If
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