• Load an existing database

When switching to hosted mode during the year, the current database must be loaded from the panel My schedules of the console after generating the necessary files from the old Server (or from a Single-user version).

Step n°1: generate the files

  1. From the administration application of the old Server installed in the institution, launch the command File > HOSTING OF HYPERPLANNING > Generate the file NameOfFile.HHYP for hosting. You can also open the database with HYPERPLANNING Single-User and generate the files with the command Imports/Exports > HYPERPLANNING > Generate the file NameOfFile.HHYP for hosting.
  2. In the pop-up window, fill in you hosting number (sent by fax or e-mail).
  3. In the new pop-up window, choose the folder where the *.HHYP will be generated.
  4. From a Client connected to the old Server or from HYPERPLANNING Single-User, launch the command Imports/Exports > USERS > Export the users and their authorizations (*.profils) and save the file in a folder that you can easily find.

Step n°2: load the base

  1. From the panel My schedules of the console, select the schedule from the drop-down menu.
  2. By default, the Publication's name is that of the schedule; but you can enter a more meaningful name for users.
  3. Click on the tab HYPERPLANNING server.
  4. Click on the button Load a base.
  5. Select the *.HHYP file genertaed in the previous step and click on Open. The schedule is automatically put into operation after the database is opened. Users can connect to it.
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