How can I quickly install Customers on all workstations in a network? (silent installation)
A silent installation allows you to remotely install an application on all workstations on a network, without having to intervene on each workstation.
First step: Prepare the *.iss file
The first step is to save all the answers to the questions asked during a "manual" installation in a *.iss file. To generate this file, proceed as follows:
- From a workstation on which the Client HYPERPLANNING has not yet been installed, download the latest version of the Client HYPERPLANNING (from this site, rubric Download by saving it in a folder (in our example, we download the application Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe in the folder c:\InstallSilencieuse.
- Display a command prompt (by typing cmd in the search box of the menu Start) then enter the following command lines:
- cd c:\InstallSilencieuse
- Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe -r -f1c:\InstallSilencieuse\ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss
- The installation of the Client HYPERPLANNING starts: proceed with the installation; your answers are saved and will be reused during the installation on the various workstations of the network.
- At the end of the installation, the file ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss containing your answers is generated in the folder c:\InstallSilencieuse, next to the installation file.
Second step: Test the silent installation
- Uninstall the Client HYPERPLANNING from the computer on which you "made" the silent installation and verify that the folder c:\InstallSilencieuse contains the 2 files:
- Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe
- Display a command prompt (by typing cmd in the search box of the menu Start) then enter the following command lines:
- cd c:\InstallSilencieuse
- Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe -s -f1c:\ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss
- f2c:\InstallSilencieuse\resultat.log
- The installation of the Client HYPERPLANNING proceeds without you having to answer any questions. The answers given in step 1 are used.
- A file resultat.log is generated in the file c:\InstallSilencieuse: if the installation worked, you should read at the end of the file: ResultCode=0.
Third step: Run the silent installation on all workstations
To install the HYPERPLANNING Client on all the workstations in the network, you run the previous script remotely.
Here is an example of a Vbscript script that can be used. You can copy it into a text file and give it the extension *.vbs. You can copy and execute this file remotely on all the workstations where you want to install the Client HYPERPLANNING.
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set WSHNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
computer = WshNetwork.ComputerName
On error Resume Next
If Not Fso.FolderExists("c:\temp") Then
End IF
Fso.CopyFile "NomDuServeur\InstallSilencieuse \*.*","C:\temp",True
wscript.Sleep 2000
command1 = "CMD /C C:\temp\Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe -s -f1c:\temp\ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss -f2c:\temp\resultat.log"
Wshshell.run command1,0,True
wscript.sleep 5000
If Fso.FileExists("c:\temp\resultat.log") Then
Fso.CopyFile "c:\temp\resultat.log","NomDuServeur\InstallSilencieuse\resultat-" & computer & ".log",True
End If
Here is an example of a Vbscript script that can be used. You can copy it into a text file and give it the extension *.vbs. You can copy and execute this file remotely on all the workstations where you want to install the Client HYPERPLANNING.
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set WSHNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
computer = WshNetwork.ComputerName
On error Resume Next
If Not Fso.FolderExists("c:\temp") Then
End IF
Fso.CopyFile "NomDuServeur\InstallSilencieuse \*.*","C:\temp",True
wscript.Sleep 2000
command1 = "CMD /C C:\temp\Install_HYPclient_FR1000200.exe -s -f1c:\temp\ClientHYPERPLANNING.iss -f2c:\temp\resultat.log"
Wshshell.run command1,0,True
wscript.sleep 5000
If Fso.FileExists("c:\temp\resultat.log") Then
Fso.CopyFile "c:\temp\resultat.log","NomDuServeur\InstallSilencieuse\resultat-" & computer & ".log",True
End If
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