• How to install a Client on a Mac?

Solution n°1: Installation of the Pack Client HYPERPLANNING + Wine 

For users who do not wish to install Wine alone Index Education provides with a package including the Client HYPERPLANNING + Wine.

  • have a recent version of Mac OS (Mac OS 10.11 and later) ;
  • specify in System preference > Security and confidentiality > Tab General > Authorize the downloaded of applications from: « Anywhere ».
The pack Client HYPERPLANNING + Wine is available on the HYPERPLANNING application download page.

Solution n°2: You install the application

For users who do not wish to download these packs, here is the procedure to follow with Wine/PlayOnMac.

Install a HYPERPLANNING application with Wine (example with the Client HYPERPLANNING)

The following commands are to be entered in a terminal, while remaining in the same session because otherwise the local variables defined with the command "export" will be lost.

1. Verification of the Wine version

w –version This returns, for example, wine 5.0.

2. Creation of the Wine prefix to use, example, the folder that will contain the C disk seen by the applications under Wine

export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=CheminAbsoluVersVotrePrefixe, par exemple /home/NomUtilisateur/.winehyperplanning. Le dossier ne doit pas exister, il sera créé par la commande wineboot.
wine wineboot

3. Using WineTricks to install MsXML 6, Windows Codecs and basic fonts in the new prefix, and changing the prefix version for Windows7

sh winetricks msxml6
sh winetricks windowscodecs
sh winetricks corefonts
sh winetricks win7

4. Installat of Client HYPERPLANNING

wine Install_xxx_win32.exe (spécifiez le chemin au besoin)

5. Launching of Client HYPERPLANNING

export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=CheminAbsoluVersVotrePrefixe
wine $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/Index\ Education/ .../Client\ HYPERPLANNING.exe

Install a HYPERPLANNING application with PlayOnMac (example with the Client HYPERPLANNING)

First step: creating the virtual player

It is a question of creating the folder that will contain the C disk seen by the applications under Wine.
  1. Launch PlayOnMac.
  2. Via the menu Tools > Manage Wine versions, install Wine 5.0.
  3. Back to the main PlayOnMac window, click on Configurer.
  4. Click on New to create a new virtue drive.
    • Virtual drive type: 32 bits windows installation
    • Wine version: 5.0
  5. Choose a name and continue creating the virtual drive.

Second step: installation

  1. Select the new virtual drive.
  2. In the tab Miscellaneous, click on Open a terminal, and enter the following commands:
    • wget
    • sh winetricks msxml6
    • sh winetricks windowscodecs
    • sh winetricks corefonts
    • sh winetricks win7
    • exit
  3. Then click on Launch a «.exe» in this virtual disk and launch the 32-bit Client HYPERPLANNING installation program.
  4. At the end of the installation it is not necessary to install a shortcut on the desktop or to immediately launch the product.
  5. Go back to the tab General of the configuration and click on Create a new shortcut from this virtual disk. Choose Client HYPERPLANNING .exe: this creates a shortcut in the first window of PlayOnMac but also on your desktop.

Third step: launching Client HYPERPLANNING

le Launch Client HYPERPLANNING from the main PlayOnMac window or directly from the shortcut created on the desktop.

Known problems:
  • If you have two screens, there is a problem loading libcef.dll (Chromium Embedded FrameWork) which may prevent the application from launching. In this case, go to the tab Display of the Wine configuration window, tick Emulate a virtual desktop with a desktop size that fits your screen, for example 1600 x 1280.
  • The HTTP proxy configuration test (menu Assistance > HTTP configuration) causes Wine to crash if an HTTP server requires "Basic" authentication.
  • A Client HYPERPLANNING launched under Wine is not allowed to transfer to « Exclusive Usage mode » (Exclusive Usage mode).
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