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  • Update the list of subjects, teachers and ETM

All the operations in the Pre-incoming year theme are to be conducted on a copy of the current year's base. By default, the subjects, teachers and ETM entered in the Pre-incoming year are identical to those shown in the Timetable theme of the original base. It's up to you to update this data according to what you already know about the incoming year's organization, either manually (as shown below) and/or by updating your STSWEB data via the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Recover the data.

Verify the list of subjects

  1. Go to the display Pre-incoming year > Subjects > List.
  2. For each subject, double-click in the column Discipline, select the discipline in the pop-up window, then click on Validate.

    If the subject is taught by teachers from different disciplines, please specify the discipline for each provisional class at a later date.

Verify the list of teachers

  1. Go to the display Pre-incoming year > Teachers > List.
  2. Verify the column Discipline; if necessary, modify it by double-clicking in each cell, then tick the discipline to be assigned in the pop-up window and click on Validate.

    You can assign several disciplines to the same teacher and specify the provision per discipline.
  3. Modify the columns Provision and ECA if you already know that their values will be different next year.

Verify the list of ETM

  1. Go to the display Pre-incoming year > ETM > Services.
  2. Verify that all the ETM are listed; if necessary, complete the list by clicking on Create an ETM.
  3. Select an ETM from the list on the left to verify the list of associated services; if necessary, complete the list by clicking on Create a service (the subject corresponding to the service must have been added beforehand to the display Pre-incoming year > Subjects > List).

    If some ETM services are taken by students at another school or via the CNED, deactivate them by double-clicking on the green ball to the left of the designation: these services will not be taken into account when calculating the provisional requirements.
  4. Verify that the discipline of each department is correctly entered; if necessary, complete any missing information in the display Pre-incoming year > Subjects > List.
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